Diagnosis of diabetes

1 and type 2 diabetes

Diagnosis of diabetes

Some people are very surprised by the fact that a single blood test is enough to understand whether there is diabetes or not. Are there any other tests that need to be taken to confirm the diagnosis? What in this case can give a more serious examination?

- For example, previously, doctors performed a" load " of glucose to diagnose favorably occurring forms of type 2 diabetes. In 1999, the world health organization introduced the concept of "impaired fasting glycemia".

- If the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made when the patient's glucose level is 6.0–6.1 or higher, it is really diabetes mellitus. And the glucose load is not required. If you have given blood three times, on different days (consecutively, day after day, or selectively) and received the same result, the diagnosis is not in doubt.

With impaired fasting glycemia, if the normal sugar is up to 5.5 mmol/l, here it is from 5.6 to 6.1 mmol/l. This condition is called prediabetes, and this is a signal for the patient. The body requires the patient to pay attention to their health. You need to change your lifestyle and diet (instead of eating twice, go to at least three times or better to 4-5 times with small portions and add physical activity).